Ask me, I'll tell you that, whatever I have passion for, inspires me. Hey, don't get me wrong. It could be love, your career, your family, your friends, or whatever you do for a living. Though we both know that God is our main source of inspiration, without him, we wouldn't be breathing. So right out, as I'm sitting in the toilet thinking of how to start my day and make it a glorious one, the only thing filling my thought now is love. I mean, genuine love. Giving love to every thing or situation in your life is the only way to have a glorious day. Wanna know how? Check all the negativities happening around you, and see how it multiplies when you dwell on them. I was reading a couple of pages on The Power by Rhonda Byrne, and she emphasize that giving love or showing love increases positiveness. In other words, try to attract the things that you love, more into your every day life. Life is beautiful when you're happy, even more beautiful when exceed love to other things.
So yea, without love, there ain't no passion... Be inspired!
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